How Long Do Septic Tanks Last? – Septic Tank Guidance

How long do septic tanks last? You are actually investing a large amount of money in manufacturing the septic tank. This is a very serious concern, yes. Your septic tank’s life will go to increase; you will get the maximum benefit. But your septic tank’s life depends on several factors. Even the material of septic tanks also matters. For example, many homeowners have queries like how long do concrete septic tanks last compared to their plastic counterparts.
The concrete septic tank’s longevity is longer than the plastic septic tank. But you can increase the life of every septic tank by following the right maintenance process.
Let’s have a look at what are the factors which are influencing the life of the septic tank.
Types Of Septic Tank
Before we can even start discussing the overall durability of septic tanks, we need to understand the basics. You need to understand the basics to be able to find the correct answer, which is why we should understand the basics first.
This section would enable you to do just that. We would effectively discuss the different types of septic tanks that are available on the market. This should allow you to understand the overall question of durability.
With that note, let us dive right in.
Plastic Septic Tanks
The first variant of septic tanks is called the plastic septic tank. These septic tanks are the most popular form of septic tanks available on the market. These septic tanks are known for their durability and lightweight and anti-leaking technologies.
The best part about these septic tanks is that they are immune to weathering of all kinds. These tanks do not rack or rust over time. These tanks can truly stand the test of time.
These tanks are super light. As a result, there is a risk of damage while installing these tanks. Otherwise, these tanks are simply unique.
Concrete Septic Tank
Next up are the concrete tanks. Unlike plastic tanks, these are heavy and can be challenging to install. However, the upside is that these tanks are super durable, and if maintained properly, these tanks can last you 50 years or half a century.
Concrete Septic tanks are heavy and durable. These tanks are not easily damaged by heavy loads or machinery. In fact, concrete septic tanks are also immune to elemental or environmental changes.
These septic tanks are simply unique and can truly last a lifetime. However, these tanks can develop cracks with changes in inner pressure. Therefore, there runs some risk of leakage.
Steel Septic Tanks
The third form of septic tank is the steel septic tank. Steel septic tanks are ironic, to say the least. Even though steel is a naturally durable material, studies show that steel septic tanks have a general lifespan of just 25 years.
This is primarily due to the process of rusting. Rust is one of the biggest enemies of steel septic tanks. As a result, it is doubtful for homeowners to install steel septic tanks.
The advantages of steel septic tanks are few and far between. These tanks are pretty pricey and have a high installation cost. Therefore, these are the least popular variant.
Aerobic Septic Tanks
These tanks are costly and offer a technological edge to it. These tanks are usually electric-powered and are known for their exceptional efficiency. They require fewer drainage fields.
Aerobic Septic Tanks have a high upfront cost. However, studies show that these tanks have the ability to save money in the long run. As a result, these tanks are usually used for commercial projects.
One downside of this variant is that they require frequent and regular maintenance. However, if you create a schedule, you can easily take care of the tank without any hassle.
Factors Which Are Influencing The Longevity Of Septic Tank
Almost 60% of the new homeowners are asking how long septic tanks last before starting septic tank construction. When you have these types of queries in your mind, you have to start with the basics. And you will get a better idea, and an explanation of how long do septic tanks usually last.
This means first to know what are the basic factors which are influencing the septic tank’s longevity.
Cleaning Agent And Other Materials:
Many regular household items have pollutants in them. And these pollutants are sometimes becoming very toxic for the septic tank’s beneficial bacteria. This is a very common reason for which the longevity of the septic tanks decreases.
More homeowners are going to use these harsh products as cleaning agents. It will affect the longevity of the septic tanks. So if you have any queries like how long plastic septic tanks last as a homeowner.
Hence I must say your septic tank’s longevity is on your hand. The more you use the mild cleaning agents, your septic tank’s life will automatically increase. Any people who have the queries like how long do septic tanks last. The perfect answer for them is your tank’s longevity is in your hands. Stop using harsh chemicals for washing and dishwashing. It will go to increase the longevity of the tank.
Numbers Of People Who Are Using It:
More numbers of people mean more water use. Yes, there are no harmful effects if the septic tank doesn’t have a proper wastewater management system. The general statistics say a regular bedroom uses at least 110 gallons of water.
More people means more bedrooms. And if your septic tank does not have a proper wastewater management system, then it’s okay. But if your septic tank does not have it. This is the main reason for which often the families where member numbers are more than 6 are asking how long do septic tanks last right before septic tank installations. Especially when they are planning to install the DIY septic tank.
Your septic tank cannot handle the overuse of water. So you have to always keep that point in your mind. If you like to increase the life of septic tanks, install proper wastewater management for your tank.
Soil Quality:
How long do concrete septic tanks last in water-clogged soil? Yes, we all know damp soil affects concrete. For example, the same goes for acidic ground waters. This type of water is always going to hamper the septic tank’s wall.
The quality of the septic tanks is also a big issue. The concrete septic tanks are not compatible with watery soil. So if your ground soil is constantly releasing water, then a plastic septic tank is going to be a perfect choice for you.
Knowing the soil architecture is important. For these reasons, before starting your construction work, take the help of the engineers to analyze the soil.
Waste Water Handling:
A proper wastewater handling system is another essential factor. The soil is suited for the wastewater management system. The mixture of sand, silt, and clay creates loamy soils. And these types of soils are more suitable for creating a system for the septic tanks.
The soil particles stick together to form a structural unit. So selecting good soil is also affecting the wastewater soil quality of the septic system. The selections of foamy soils also come under the answer of how long do septic systems last.
Now let’s see the answer to how long do septic tanks last.
What Is The Minimum Life Span Of A Septic Tank?
The minimum lifespan of a septic tank is 20 to 30 years. But as these factors are already present depending on the soil quality, the life of a septic tank also depends on the homeowner’s inspections.
So the answer to how long do septic tanks last is near about 20 to 30 years. But this time can extend upto 40 years. If you are going to take care of the septic tank in a better way.
How Long Do Concrete Septic Tanks Last?
If the homeowners are going to take care of the concrete septic system in a better way, it can last more than 40 years.
Are the lifespan of a concrete septic tank and a plastic septic tank the same?
So let’s see how long do plastic septic tanks last.
The concrete septic tank’s longevity is better than its plastic counterpart. Usually, the plastic septic tank lasts for only 30 years.
But a good maintenance process can increase the life of the septic tank. If any homeowner is properly taking care of the tank. It can last nearly 40 years.
Why Do The Septic Systems Fall?
If you want to know more details about how long does a septic tank last? Hence you must know first what might be the reasons for the septic system’s fall.
Here are some of the reasons which are affecting the life of the septic tank. The septic tank’s falling reasons are going to give you a better idea about how long do septic tanks last.
- The Septic tank works by separating the organic solid waste from the liquid waste.
- Solid particles settle down in the bottom of the tank.
- Sludge and grease are settling on the top of the wastewater.
- These are flowing from the tank into the drain area.
- Sometimes the solids escape the wastewater.
- These solids are sometimes clogging the leach field.
- Odors and wet soils are the characteristics of failed septic tanks.
So if your septic tanks stop functioning, these are the symptoms that you will find first. Septic systems even can fail due to these problems, for which your septic tanks can stop working.
How To Perform The Septic Tank Inspections?
If your septic tank system fails and ends up polluting the whole environment, you have to start with the inspections. If you are currently searching for the answer, how long does a septic tank last? Then inspections are the steps that can make things work.
How to perform septic tank inspections? Here are some of the steps which you need to follow for the septic tank inspections.
- When your septic system is already failing and small pollutants are spreading in the environment.
- Other than this, there are certain checking factors. First, drain the septic tank and empty it.
- Bad smell from the sewage.
- Wet and dirty small patches in the yard.
- Sudden problems during the rain.
- When you frequently pump out the water from the septic tank, the grass looks greener around the septic tank area.
As you can see, the inspection process also comes under the process of how long do septic tanks last.
How To Increase Your Septic System’s Lifespan?
Now you know how long do septic tanks last. But there is a huge difference between 20 to 40 years. The low-maintenance septic tank can break down within 15 years, but a well-maintained septic tank can last more than 40 years.
This is obvious as a homeowner. You always want to have a septic tank whose life span is the maximum. So how to make it?
Here are some of the tips for increasing the lifespan of your residential septic tank.
- Do not exceed the volume of the system. Usually, any residential septic system has only a capacity of 600 and 2,000 gallons of wastewater.
- Do not flush out unsafe items, for example, baby wipes, diapers, cat litter, cigarette butts, grounded coffee beans, dental floss, disinfectants, feminine hygiene products, and paper towels.
- Maintain your drain field. Do not throw anything in the drain field areas.
- Plant the tree near the drain field areas strategically.
- Keep your drain field areas free from any obstacles.
- Make sure all of the rainwater is draining through the drain field without any barriers.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
As a homeowner, your sewage and septic tanks are one of the most important parts of your house. Here are some of the questions which homeowners are frequently asking about the septic system.
Ans: The Septic tank needs to be emptied typically within three or five years. But there are many more factors that are also influencing the septic tank’s longevity.
For example,
• The household size.
• Generated wastewater.
• Solid volume in the wastewater.
• Size of the septic tank.
Ans: This time is entirely depending on the size of the household. But according to the environmental protection agency, the septic tank should be emptied every three to five years. So this is the minimum time zone to keep your septic system clean.
Ans: A properly designed septic leach field can last about 15 to 30 years. But if the leach field is not receiving the proper maintenance process within 15 years, the whole system can break down. And by the end of 15 years, it will require replacement.
Bottom Line Is Maintenance Is The Only Solution
I guess the answer to how long do septic tanks last is clear to you. Septic systems require a proper maintenance process. Why? As this system is unground, close maintenance and inspections are the only solutions.
That would also be fine if you can not do the inspections by yourself. Just take help from professional septic tank maintenance experts. How are you maintaining your septic tank’s health? If you think we are missing out on any of the points, share your opinion through the comment sections.
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