Check Out These Expert Tips To Find Your Septic Tank Smoothly And Safely

Have you purchased a new home and have already been impressed with it? Wait a minute and think deeper. Do you know how to find your septic tank in the newly purchased house? You may be pondering what brings you here.
A “Septic tank” is a matter of concern in Western countries. Just like it is your life savior, it can be your worst nightmare too.
So, instead of messing your head thinking about how to locate a septic tank, read the blog till the end. I am sure you will get answers to all your questions. We will be covering:
Septic Tank- What Is It?
Already having a septic tank is beneficial for you in different respects, Especially when it comes to home finances. How would you feel if you had spent some extra bucks on septic tank installation on the date of the property purchase? In addition to the higher housing costs, it is another ingredient to make you feel sad.
Therefore, it is always wiser to know how to find a septic tank beforehand so that you can manage whatever unprecedented problem comes. More than 21 million households in the United States have a septic tank to collect waste.
You will be surprised that in certain areas, you are not authorized to sell a house without septic tank inspection. I hope you get how essential it is to know how to find your septic tank.
What is the maximum distance a septic tank can be from a house? Although it varies from one home to another, the fixed rule of thumb is to have it 10 feet away.
The Challenges To Find A Septic Tank
To millions of homeowners, the septic tank is considered as the unseen part of the house. Something that must be kept hidden under the ground, while other utilities like electrical meters and valves are visible on the home exterior.
The septic tank can be placed anywhere on the property. Moreover, there is a chance you might forget about the location an endless number of times. This especially becomes more difficult for the second and third homebuyers.
How To Find Your Septic Tank? – Simple Steps
The most common question that we receive from new homeowners is, “Where is my septic tank.” Precisely, how to find your septic tank will safeguard you from several hassles, primarily related to drainage.
In a country like the United States Of America, approximately 20% of houses have septic tanks. If you visit the Eastern U.S., you will find that almost all homes have septic tanks to pass the waste. In addition, the country areas of the United Kingdom have the highest number of houses with septic tanks.
So, if you are too indulged in the fascination of purchasing your new house, take a deep breath and get over it. Because you might face disappointment in your septic tank soon. That’s why you must know how to find your septic tank right now:
1. Observe Where The Pipes Are Leading You
The basements of almost every house in the United States contain a few-inch thick pipes that actually connect to the septic tank. Following these sewer lines’ source will take you to where the septic tank is.
2. Take Help From A Septic Tank Map
Now, this is something that concerned local authorities can provide. They are the ones who installed septic tanks in your home. Thus, they will only be able to guide you with the septic tank map or construction architecture.
3. Identify The Septic Tank Lid
The best way to locate a septic tank at your home is by looking for its cover or lid. But how to find your septic tank lid? Well, it’s pretty simple……using a metal detector. It would attract the leads of the tanks, which are composed of metal. In addition, a soil probe helps locate it. You can also investigate across your entire property land to find underground septic tanks.
4. Interrogate The Previous Owner
This is by far the most effortless method of locating septic tanks. Before purchasing the house from the previous owner, clarify all your questions regarding the septic tank, including how to find your septic tank. They are the best person to let you know all these details.
However, if he forgets or gets confused, move on to the next step.
5. Ask the Local Septic Tank Inspection Service Providers
This is the final step and the most effective step in knowing septic tank locations at your house. The local companies providing septic tank inspection services or installation services possess all forms of data concerning septic tanks in the community.
Get in touch with them as soon as possible. Also, by providing your address and crucial details, you can extract information about how to find your septic tank or its exact location.
Other than that, If you want to know how to find your septic tank in the yard, you can use a metal detector. It is obviously possible to identify the reinforcement bars or lids of the septic tanks buried under the yard.
Now, if you are purchasing a residency, you must be concerned about finding your septic tank in the old house. By following septic tank pipes, maps, yard inspection, and lid identification, you can easily find septic tanks in an old house.
As for the papers, Contact the local environmental regulator or NIEA for more details about your septic tank registration. They store all the necessary records about it.
The Final Glimpse
Septic tank maintenance is indeed a big deal, but your first headache is finding your septic tank. In most cases, you will not get the chance to call inspectors to identify the tank. However, in the U.S.A.’s big cities, you may find professional inspectors or plumbers to help you out with prior appointments.
So, it’s better to get yourself accustomed to this “finding septic tank” project by sincerely following the points above.
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