Septic systems are considered to be a very important part of multiple commercial and residential properties. If there is any lack in the septic system then the waste is not going to be disposed of properly.

Wastes not only gross people out but serious health hazards can also surround you and your clients at the office. If you want your septic system to function properly. Then never forget to pump it on a regular basis. Remember your reputation and health depend on it.

Contact people who can clean it for you, every three to five years. While buying a septic tank for your house or office you will be given two options, one of which is the Aerobic septic systems, which is the main topic of this article.

In this article we will talk about how it is installed, the differences between Aerobic and Anaerobic septic systems, and why you should install them. 

What Is A Septic System?

Septic System

Septic systems or septic tanks are underground wastewater treating structures, used in rural areas that have no centralized sewer systems. They use a mixture of nature and technology that treats wastewater from plumbing by households of bathrooms, kitchen drains, and laundry.

A septic system consists of a drain field and a septic tank along with a soil absorption field. Its job is to digest organic matter and separate floatable matter along with solids from the wastewater.

Aerobic Septic Systems -Treatment

Treatment Of Aerobic Septic System

Here are the step-by-step treatment processes of the aerobic septic tank.


The pre-stage will separate the solids from the wastewater.

Aeration Chamber

This step helps the aerobic bacteria to grow and aid the digestion of solids in the wastewater.


This step uses chlorine or ultraviolet light to kill germs.


The last step is to discharge the ATU into the drain field, be it a sand filter or evapotranspiration.

Why Do We Need Aerobic Septic Systems?

Need Aerobic Septic Systems

The closer you are to a water body the more water table will be high underneath the surface or at least seasonally. Therefore a typical gravity system won’t work and will give you sewage.

It is time to introduce an aerobic treatment unit. Now, this wastewater is treated with a higher degree of oxygen.

This inventory helps the designers to have the best ideas for your property, instead of those that simply don’t work as part of our standard.

Aerobic Septic Systems- Advantages

Aerobic Septic System Pros

  • A higher level of treatment.
  • Can be used on poor soil types.
  • Can be used in spaces and restrictive topography.
  • It can be used in the setback constructions of property lines. 
  • Can utilize small drain footprints.
  • It drags the lifespan of a drain field.
  • Reduces drain field clogging.
  • Conserves a lot of water.
  • Reduces nitrogen.

Aerobic Septic Systems- Disadvantages

Aerobic Septic System Cons

  • It makes noise from the blower.
  • It smells when the venting is done properly. 
  • This draws a lot of power.
  • Maintenance is hard. 
  • Initial installations charge high.
  • Contamination can take place for maintaining it poorly.
  • The system can be overburdened if the water flow is frequent.
  • Cold weather can have adverse effects.

7 Key Reasons To Have Aerobic Septic Systems

Aerobic Septic Treatment

Here are the seven key reasons why you should install an aerobic septic system in your house.

1. Longevity

A well-maintained and properly installed septic system can last up to 40 years. Proper cleaning keeps the aerobic system functional. 

2. Requires Less Space

Aerobic septic tanks require very little space to adjust. Though some septic tanks take up a lot of space.

3. Provide High Treatment

It provides a clean treated effluent therefore there is no contamination. If your house is near a high water table then an arsenic septic system is best to be installed.

4. Environmental Friendly

Water that is coming out of the laundry or the shower can be used again to water the lawn. The water in the system gets treated and recycled.

5. Breaks Waste Faster

If you compare a septic system with aerobic septic tanks then you will see how an aerobic septic tank is faster in breaking down solids.

6. Suitable For Lands

This system can be installed on all kinds of lands. It is made that way, so it copes up with any base.

7. Pocket-Friendly

Since the aerobic septic systems treat most of their wastewater inside themselves, therefore the drains don’t get jammed, and repairing it often does not happen.

Differences- Aerobic And Anaerobic System

At the beginning of the article I mentioned that there are two types of septic systems, you will be offered. Now let’s talk about the difference between aerobic and anaerobic septic systems.

Anaerobic Septic System

When you flush water down the drain it directly goes to the airtight septic tank. This is where the anaerobic bacteria gets active since there is no oxygen. The bacteria break down the solid waste and then let it flow to its next destination- the leach field.

Anaerobic is a digestion process where bacterias transform solid waste into renewable energy. It is basically used for high-strength industrial wastewater that has high concentrations of biodegradable organic matter. This energy needs fewer chemicals as well as costs less.

Aerobic Septic System

Once the wastewater leaves the septic tank it goes to the leach field where the oxygen-loving bacterias feast on it. The effluent is dragged down by gravity and the aerobic bacteria starts killing harmful components in the soil. Therefore make sure your soil has the correct PH.

ATS (aerobic treatment systems) fix film systems, compost toilets, retrofit systems, and continuous flow systems. The big difference between ATS and conventional septic systems is that it produces high-quality effluent as well as needs a smaller leach field.

Wrapping It All Up

Here you go with everything you ever want to know about the Aerobic septic system.

From installation to the difference between anaerobic and aerobic septic systems, everything is nicely covered with simple language for you to understand clearly.

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Mashum Mollah

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