How To Install Flagstone Patio On Sand? A Step-By-Step Guide

None of us want a boring-looking backyard. If you want those weekend home dates or family dinners in the backyard to be memorable, you can start by trying to decorate the backyard. Having flagstone patios is the best place to start. But, if you are going for flagstone patios on top of sand, then it is more like a DIY construction you can do yourself. Either way, here is a comprehensive guide to helping you build a DIY flagstone patio on the sand.
Of course, you can go for the gray slabs. But bricks, flagstones, and pavers are great to make the backyard look good. But whenever you build something, first, you must start with a plan.
There are two types of flagstone patios, depending on the method. If you go for the mortared flagstone patios, ensure to call the local utilities and get an understanding of whether you are damaging any cables or pipes.
What Is Flagstone Patio?
Flagstone patios are a great way to decorate the ground of your backyard or the front yard. These flagstones can be built using different types of stones like quartzite, limestone, bluestone, slate, etc. These are durable, and they can last for more than a century. However, one must take good care of the Flagstone patio for it to last longer.
But, before you go ahead and install these patios in the backyard or wherever, here are a few things you must know about it –
- Sometimes, the patios can be uneven and might be difficult to walk on.
- The patios also require regular maintenance to prevent weeds and grass from growing between the cracks.
- Sometimes, it might be a little difficult to set up the patios. So, even though you have all the DIY guides, you may still need professional help.
- Depending on the shape, size, and color of the patios, they can be expensive. So, you must keep that in mind as well.
Things You Will Need For Flagstone Patio:
However, if you have decided to use Flagstone patios, you would want to follow the guide I have provided below. But, before that, Here is a list of things that you need to set up a flagstone patio on sand –
Equipment / Tools
Sand Method
- Sledgehammer
- Tamper
- Rake
- Yardstick
- Utility knife or saw.
- Shovel
Sand Method
- Crushed limestone or gravel
- Edging
- Builder’s sand
- 10-inch metal spikes
- Flagstones, bricks, or pavers.
- Polymer sand (optional)
Install Flagstone Patios: Sand Method
Here is a guide for you to install the flagstone patios on top of sand.
Step 1: Remove Your Old Patio
When you want to install new flagstone patios, you first have to destroy the old ones. Whether you have brick laid out in the backyard or gray slabs, break them down and remove them. The old needs to go for the new to take place. We advise wearing safety goggles while using a sledgehammer to break it apart.
Step 2: Excavate The Background Area
So, you have identified the place you want to install flagstone patios in; now what? Once you have removed the older slabs or patios, it is time for excavation. You must excavate the place at a depth of a minimum of 8 inches to facilitate better drainage.
However, remember that once flagstone patios are installed, a layer that evenly matches the yard surface is needed. You can start by excavating 6 inches extra on top of the depth of the slabs you will install. Four inches will cover the compacted base, while you will have a 2-inch thick layer of sand.
Step 3: Build A Base Level
Now comes the part when you start building the foundation for laying out the foundation for your flagstone patio. You need to put in a specific type of base material. People usually choose gravel as that material.
But you can also opt for crushed limestone for better pavement settling. Also, if you have a deeper base level, it will help lessen the shifting of the patio during winter.
Step 4: Strengthen The Base Of Flagstone Patio
Now, you have to ensure that the foundation you have created is solid and stable. How to ensure that? Well, start by adding a few inches of base material and then start tamping. This will strengthen the ground-level base. The compact and solid base should have a depth of 4 inches.
Step 5: Add Sand For Drainage
You have a strong base. Now, it is time to level up the foundation with the builder’s sand. The sand will ensure a proper drainage system. You have to use a rake to ensure the proper distribution of the sand on the platform.
Step 6: Set the Perimeter
Once you are done putting in the sand, you need to install the edging. You need to use the anchoring of 10-inch metal spikes. Now, you must cut the edging and bend it according to your needs.
Step 7: Add Paving Materials For Flagstone Patio
So, now that the sand and the perimeter spikes are out of the way, you are ready to pave the flagstone patio on top of the sand bed. Piece the different shapes of the patio together as per the sizes. You can also leave the gaps between them open to plant ground cover in between. Next, use a mallet to tamp on it gently and secure it in the sand.
Step 8: Fill Spaces With Sand For Flagstone Patio
Now that you are done with that, it is time to fill in the blanks using polymer sand. When wet, the polymer sand works like mortar. Compared to the traditional sand, these things act as a better and a more firm foundation. Also, weeds cannot spread as well, thanks to the polymer sand. However, sweep off the extra sand once you are done filing in the space with sand.
Bottom Line
If you were looking for a guide to installing flagstone patios, then this article should be helpful. However, before you go ahead and damage the backyard ground, ask yourself if you really want to do it yourself. If you you are comfortable, go ahead with the steps and processes provided here. However, if you don’t mind spending a few bucks, then get help from a professional. But do let us know if you feel helped after reading this piece of content. Thank you.
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