You might have come across plenty of good Zevo Flying Insect Trap reviews on the internet or on various social media platforms. Even in top eCommerce platforms, there are many rave Zevo Flying Insect Trap Starter Kit Reviews. Also known as Zevo Bug Killer, Zevo Bug Trap, Zevo Traps, Zevo Fly Trap, Zevo Insect Trap, etc., people who have used the Zevo Flying Insect Trap consider it a good product, and claimed that it works great, and is a “savior.”

In this article, we will give you general details about the Zevo Flying Insect Trap and some of the good things that it comes with. Furthermore, we will discuss the features of the product and offer you a guide on how to use the starter kit. Finally, you will also get to see some of the major customer reviews regarding the Zevo Flying Insect Trap. Hence, to get fully informed, read on through to the end of the article.

Zevo Flying Insect Trap – What Is It?

Zevo Flying Insect Trap – What Is It

People in the United States love the summer season, especially when the temperature remains low for the rest of the year. The summer allows people to breathe freely and enjoy the sun as well. However, summer has its cons, and one of the biggest among them all is the coming of ‘Bugs’ and insects, ruining everything. Bugs, mosquitoes, and other annoying flying insects are really disturbing, whether you are at a pool party, a barbeque, or even on your own, enjoying a moment.

Luckily, there is a popular insect trap available on the internet named Zevo Flying Insect Trap, and it has become extremely popular on various social media platforms, especially on TikTok and Instagram. Unlike other insect traps and bug traps, which make use of harsh and harmful chemicals to catch insects, Zevo Flying Insect Trap only makes use of light and heat.

It is quite effective in trapping flies, bugs, mosquitoes, moths, and other flying insects. Once you install the device and plug it in, it will show a blue light. Once the blue light is not there, you will understand that it is time for a refill. Zevo Flying Insect Trap Refill cartridges are also available easily on various eCommerce platforms on the internet, as well as in stores near you.

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Cost Of Zevo Flying Insect Trap

Cost Of Zevo Flying Insect Trap

The listed price of the Zevo Flying Insect Trap Starter Kit on is US $34.00. However, with time, you will get many discounts. As of April 2023, we have recorded the price of Zevo Flying Insect Trap Refill on as $19.97. Hence, if you are looking to purchase the device, you can purchase it on the link here: Zevo Flying Insect Trap Starter Kit.

Major Features Of Zevo Flying Insect Trap

Here are some of the major features that the Zevo Flying Insect Trap comes with:

1. It Does Not Stop

It Does Not Stop

Once you plug in the Zevo Flying Insect Trap, it does not stop and works continuously as long as you keep it that way.

2. The Device Is Portable

The Device Is Portable

Although the device is bigger than it looks, it is not very heavy, and you can take the device with you if you are staying someplace else, say, in case of travel.

3. No Harmful Chemicals

No Harmful Chemicals

Many insect-repelling devices use harmful chemicals. While on the other hand, people also use harmful sprays to keep off insects and flies. Zevo Flying Insect Trap only uses light and heat and gives a pleasant smell.

4. No Odor

No Odor

There is no odor coming out of the Zevo Flying Insect Trap since there is no chemical inside the device. Hence, you can stay near the device and not get smell at all.

How To Start Using Zevo Flying Insect Trap?

How To Start Using Zevo Flying Insect Trap

The following are the steps that you need to follow to start using Zevo Flying Insect Trap in your home to keep away bugs and insects:

Step 1: Insert the disposable cartridge into the device. Peel off the removable backing.

Step 2: Plug the device into the electric outlet, and it will start working.

Step 3: After 15-30 days, if the device is full of insects, dispose of the cartridge.

Step 4: Replace the old cartridge with a new one.

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Zevo Flying Insect Trap Starter Kit – Customer Reviews

The following are some of the essential customer reviews that you need to look at before you buy the Zevo Flying Insect Trap Starter Kit for your home:

Review 1 - Shaylee Sam
Review 2 - Michaela Renee Nichols
Review 3 - Relyt44
Review 4 - Dino
Review 5 - GypsyKing

Summing Up

Hope this article was helpful for you in getting a better idea of the Zevo Flying Insect Trap. Most of the customer reviews regarding the device are quite good. Furthermore, the best thing about the device is that it works without chemicals and attracts annoying insects without releasing any harmful gas. This is perfect for your family’s health, especially if there are children at your home. What do you think about Zevo Flying Insect Trap? Share your reviews with us in the comments section below.

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Soumava Goswami
A passionate writer and an avid reader, Soumava is academically inclined and loves writing on topics requiring deep research. Having 3+ years of experience, Soumava also loves writing blogs in other domains, including digital marketing, business, technology, travel, and sports.

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