As people become more conscious of their environmental impact and traditional electricity sources become more expensive, solar energy systems continue to grow in popularity.

After all, who wouldn’t want to take advantage of free, sustainable energy from the sun?

That said, while more and more rooftops are adorned with solar panels, installing a solar energy system is a major project that requires thorough planning.

Don’t worry, though, because this article will share some things you need to consider before installing solar panels so you can reap its benefits:

4 Important Considerations For Installing Solar Panels

1. Cost

solar energy

Solar panels can help save money on your electricity bill, yet you must shoulder initial costs.

You must know the running price of solar energy systems in your area before buying them. You can do a simple online search to get a rough idea of the different solar energy systems pricing by location. You can also consult reputable solar system installers and ask for quotations.

In general, you can expect to pay between USD$3,400 and USD$5,500. It’s a hefty investment so you need to consider if you can pay it outright or if you’ll need to finance the purchase and hiring of an expert for installation.

Aside from installation, you must also consider the potential maintenance over time.

2. Roof Suitability For Solar Panels

solar roof

Aside from price, you must also consider your roof’s state before installing solar panels. Because of the weight of solar panels, you have to check the following to determine if your roof can accommodate any installation.

I. Condition

If you have an old roof that needs to be replaced soon or if a part of your roof is missing shingles or damaged from a recent storm, then it may not be a good idea to install solar panels yet. You need to repair or replace your roofing first to prevent issues in the future.

II. Direction

Solar panels should face a specific direction to generate the maximum amount of solar power.

Professionals recommend that a large north-facing roof can provide maximum solar output because the panels directly face the sun.

If this is not possible with your roof, east and west directions also work well.

III. Location

The more sunlight your solar panel gets, the better it will be for your household. Hence, ensure you consider the location of your home.

While most locations get enough sun all year round, some tend to have cloudy, cool weather with less sunshine.

In addition, even if you live in the sunniest place on Earth, if your house is next to a skyscraper, then the shadow created by the neighboring building can block sunlight from your panels.

Thus, you might need to think twice before purchasing a solar energy system. For homes with lush vegetation and trees, you need to trim or cut trees that cast shade on your solar panels.

3. Type Of Solar Panel

solar panel type

The two most popular ones are photovoltaic solar panels and solar thermal panels.

Photovoltaic panels are more common than the other. It uses solar cells to convert solar power into electricity.

Meanwhile, solar thermal panels use a mirror to concentrate solar power and are used for water heating. Photovoltaic panels are longer-lasting and more versatile, while solar thermal is more efficient.

The type of solar panel you choose will also depend on several factors, including durability, performance, and warranty. Thus, ensure you do your homework to get the best information before deciding to purchase.

4. Tax Rebates And Subsidies

Tax Rebates And Subsidies

The particulars will depend on your location; however, you can get tax rebates to reward you for your sustainability efforts.

Besides, the federal government also offers tax credits to residents, so check if you’re eligible for that. You can also check your local utility if they offer feed-in tariffs or net metering where you can sell any excess solar electricity produced to electric utilities operating the grid.


Solar energy is an excellent investment if you’d like to cut your electricity bills while doing your part for the environment.

Therefore, installing solar panels is never straightforward as you might think. There’s a lot to consider, from the initial cost to potential tax benefits.

The sooner you handle the above considerations discussed here, the sooner you can start taking advantage of the numerous benefits of solar energy.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily and RealWealthBusiness

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