Each marketing effort has a special place in the real estate market. And while you can do without some of them, you shouldn’t miss out on others.

One strategy that you should never overlook as a real estate agent is email marketing.

Email generates $42 for every $1 spent and is still one of the most popular marketing strategies out there.

But of course, you can’t apply any marketing strategy you find online and think it will work for your business. Each niche requires a different approach.

That being said, here is a comprehensive guide to email marketing that is tailored to real estate agents.

Use email automation

Having an email list is like having a goldmine if you know how to use it correctly. And if you want to use that email list to its full potential, you need to automate your email marketing efforts.

This basically means that a tool will do most of the work for you thanks to automation.

All you need to do is tell your automation software what actions it should take and sit back and watch the results.

Just make sure to pick one of the best email automation tools, write your emails with the help of a template, create your campaigns, and you can start reaping the benefits.

email automation

Here are some of the benefits of using email automation:

1. Personalization is guaranteed

Each of your clients wants to feel like a special person, not just someone whose house you can sell or someone who can help them purchase a property. With email automation, you can ensure each message and offer is personalized.

2. It frees up your time

You can basically “set and forget” each campaign with email automation. You can automate responses, welcome emails, and newsletters, all of which will be a real time-saver.

3. Your emails will always look professional

These tools come with templates that will ensure each email you send looks professional and delivers the right message.

4. You will have access to important data

A great benefit of these tools is that most of them come with analytics that allows you to see how successful your campaigns are. You can check open rates, click-through rates, CTA success, and more.

Create a newsletter with interesting and relevant content

Your prospects want to know that you’re an expert in the real estate business.

And there’s no better way to prove your expertise than by providing them with useful and relevant information, all neatly presented in a newsletter.

Newsletters are a great way to ensure you’re the first person your prospects are going to think of when they need a real estate agent because you’ll always be in their inbox.

Your newsletter should be short and easy to scan while also being engaging and shareable. As for the content you should include, that depends on the audience you’re trying to please.

It can be information about upcoming events, open houses, video tours, new homes that just came on the market, or mortgage news and advice.

It would also be a smart idea to personalize the newsletter based on whether it’s going to people who are looking to buy or sell their houses. For example, those looking to sell might be interested in content that explains how to sell their home for the best price.


Don’t forget about your former clients

If you’ve been in the real estate business for a while, you probably know the importance of referrals. As much as 68% of sellers choose an agent based on a referral or a previous transaction. If you treat your previous clients right, you will have a lot of new clients asking for your help.

Keeping in touch with former clients via email is a bit different than marketing to new ones. With this target group, you should modify your newsletters to include ideas and advice on how they can maintain and decorate the home they just bought from you.

If you don’t want to take the newsletter approach, you can still send them personalized emails that will ensure they don’t forget you. Reach out during the holidays, their birthdays, or milestones that celebrate the purchase of their new home.

Do everything you can to prevent losing touch with your previous clients because they can be one of the most valuable assets for the growth of your business. Letting them take an online form to answer questions about their likes and dislikes and even some basic personal information would be a great way to generate customer information and keep the connection with them.

former clients

Final thoughts

The real estate market will always be a thriving industry because people will always need to buy homes. If you’re a good real estate agent, you will do everything in your power to show potential clients why they should choose you to represent them in a sale or purchase of a home. Email marketing is a great way to do that.


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Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily and RealWealthBusiness

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